MuSkLE Summer School 2024

From 06/02/2024 to 06/07/2024

Lyon - France

Dr Sophie Rome

Sophie ROME is Director of Research at INRAe institute in the department of Human Nutrition. She is working in the laboratory of 'Cardiology, Metabolism, Nutrition & Diabetes' (CarMeN) in Lyon. She is interested in the molecular mechanisms that alter the skeletal muscle mass in the context of obesity and type 2 diabetes using omics technologies. She now focuses her work on the role of extracellular vesicles (EVs) released by skeletal muscle in the cross-talks between muscle and the other insulin-sensitive tissues, and on the impact of the diet on the composition and biological activity of muscle EVs. Her pioneering work in the field of metabolism has provided important data on the role of muscle EVs during muscle development, and on the alterations of muscle homeostasis in obesity and type 2 diabetes. She was president of the French Society for Extracellular vesicles (2017-2021) and 2 times co-chairs for the organization of the ISEV international meetings (2021-2022).