MuSkLE Summer School 2024

Du 02/06/2024 au 07/06/2024

Lyon - France

Dr Florence Ruggiero

Dr Ruggiero is Director of Research at the CNRS. She is a group leader at the Institute of Functional Genomics of Lyon (IGFL), a research department of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France. Her team combines functional genomics, biochemistry, microscopies and developmental biology to decode the functional specificity and the dynamics of extracellular matrices in development, regeneration and disease, specifically in the neuromuscular system and skin. She has authored over a hundred publications in the matrix biology field and was honored to serve as Chair (2017) for the Collagen Gordon Research Conference. Research funding of the team comes from a variety of sources, including academia, charities and industry. She was member of the executive team of the SFR Biosciences (2006-2011) and served as director of the IGFL (2016-2020). She is a past councilor of the International Society for Matrix Biology (ISMB) and the current president of the French Society for Matrix Biology (SFBMec).