MuSkLE Summer School 2024

Du 02/06/2024 au 07/06/2024

Lyon - France

Pr Damien Roussel

Pr Damien Roussel is Professor at the university Claude Bernard in Lyon, working in the field of comparative physiology in the LEHNA laboratory. His research investigates how organisms (endotherms and ectotherms) adjust their mitochondrial activity and efficiency to overcame energy challenges imposed by nutritional (e.g. fasting), physiological (e.g. high locomotor activity, diving) and environmental constraints (e.g. cold, hypoxia). In particular, he is studying the skeletal muscle energetic adjustments of sea-acclimatized king penguin facing expansive energy consuming processes (endurance swimming, thermogenesis) with limited environmental resources (oxygen during active dives or nutriment while fasting several months during winter). In this context, he is Principal Investigator of the scientific program PHYSIONERGY of the French Polar institute (IPEV).